Sun protection in the cosmetic studio Inanna in Berlin

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Sun Safety Month August

A Sunscreen Every Day Keeps The Wrinkels Away!

Sun is an Important Cause Of Bad Skin..

Along with cigarettes and maybe the lack of love! preached World-famous Parisian plastic surgeon Dr. Olivier Henry de Frahan. Sunscreens are responsible for shielding skin from sun damage—and, even scarier, skin cancer. Photodamage can cause wrinkles, pigmentation, sagging, texture changes, and a whole host of other issues that are part of premature aging.

The Sun Emits Two UV Rays Responsible for Skin Damage

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UVA (the long waves responsible for aging) and UVB (the short waves responsible for burning, redness, pigmentation, and the superficial damage that occurs immediately after sun exposure). The burns you will get from UVB are harmful, but what’s worse is the damage done by UVA at the level of the dermis. UVA rays are very harmful because they cause the most injury to our cells; they are able to reach inside cells and damage the genetic code, impacting the cells’ ability to produce good-quality collagen, hyaluronic acid, and the other proteins needed for proper functioning. UVA rays alter your very DNA!

3x Steps For Perfect Sun Care

After four years of research, Biologique Recherche presents a brand new, effective and gentle method of protecting protect the skin from the effects of the sun.

10% discount on all on all sun care products & treatments!

* valid until 31st August 2023

1. Préparation U.V.

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Prepares the skin for intense sun exposure and stimulates natural tanning. Protects against free radicals and helps prevent the appearance of pigmentation spots.

2. Protection U.V.

Triple Shield Complex© - 100% natural filters, no nanoparticles, medium sun protection factor (SPF 25), light-resistant, waterproof. Protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of UVA, UVB and infrared rays. infrared rays. A breakthrough in Sun Care and an absolute world premiere.

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3. Réparation U.V.

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final phase, rich in active active ingredients that soothe and regenerate the skin, and delay the signs of aging due to sun exposure delay.

Above All Else, Texture Is King

Sun care products can often be too greasy, shiny, smelly, or tacky, or make you look like a ghost. As a general rule, higher the SPF worse is the texture. So while you may want to try to aim for the highest SPF possible, we recommend finding sunscreens that you can tolerate and don’t mind applying daily. A lower SPF that you apply daily will always be more powerful than the high SPF you only apply every once in a while.


Your Luxury Cosmetic Store

We are thrilled to announce the grand opening of our flagship cosmetic store in the heart of Berlin! Get ready to indulge in a world of luxury beauty products and unparalleled shopping experience.

Meet the Experts

Meet our team of experienced beauty consultants who are passionate about helping you discover the perfect products for your skincare needs. From personalized recommendations to beauty tips, they are here to make your experience exceptional.

Yours Anna

Anna Baret Gulueva

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