Our medical cosmetic treatments at the Inanna Spa

Medical Cosmetics

Medical Cosmetics


Our cosmetic studio was created with the intention for cosmetic treatments with sincerity and accessibility. We offer only the safest, medically tested procedures, treatments and products to give you the most beautiful results.
Dermal Fillers
Dermal Filler Mouseover
Bio Remodeling
Bio remodeling Mouseover
Thread Lift
Fadenlifting Mouseover
Exosomes Mouseover
Mesotherapie Mouseover
Microneedling Mouseover
Fat Dissolving Injection
Fettwegspritze Mouseover
Hair Loss Treatments
Haarausfall Mouseover
Vitamin Infusions
Vitamin Infusionen
Micronutrients Mouseover
Preventive Diagnosis
Präventive Diagnostik Mouseover
IHHT Hypoxia-Training
IHHT Hypoxie Training Mouseover
INDIBA® Transformations
INDIBA Radiofrequenz Gesicht
Facial Treatments
Gesichtsbehandlung Mouseover
Kobido® Facial Massage
Kobido Gesichtsmassage
Permanent Hair Removal
Haarentfernung Mouseover
LED Phototherapy
LED Phototherapie Mouseover
Massages & Body Treatments
Massage Mouseover
Mother & Pregnancy Spa
Mami Spa Mouseover
Wellness for Cancer
Wellness For Cancer Mouseover

Not sure which service is right for you?

Talk to us to ask questions and find out which treatment is right for you.

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