Aesthetic Medicine & Biomolecular Wellness for Beauty & Health

Aesthetic Medicine

Aesthetic Medicine


Our Medical Spa in Berlin combines advanced aesthetic medicine, regenerative therapies, and integrative wellness to enhance natural beauty, restore vitality, and promote lasting health through innovative diagnostics and personalized, transformative care.
Preventive Diagnostic
Präventive Diagnostik Mouseover
IHHT Regeneration Training
IHHT Hypoxie Training Mouseover
Vitamin Infusion
Vitamin Infusionen
Regenerative Therapy
Regenerative Therapie Mouseover
Mesotherapie Mouseover
Laser Skin Solutions
Laser Hautlösungen Mouseover
Chemical Peel
Chemisches Peeling Mouseover
Wrinkle Treatment
Faltenbehandlung Mouseover
Dermal Filler
Dermal Filler Mouseover
Thread Lift
Fadenlifting Mouseover
Fat-Dissolving Injection
Fettwegspritze Mouseover
Hair & Scalp Health
Haarausfall Haaranalyse
Facial Treatment
Gesichtsbehandlung Mouseover
Kobido® Facial Massage
Kobido Gesichtsmassage
Sculptural Face Lifting™
Sculptural Face Lifting Mouseover
Esalen® Body Massage
Esalen Körpermassage Mouseover
Dr. Vodder® Lymph Drainage
Dr Vodder Lymph Drainage Mouseover
Radiofrequency Therapy
Radiofrequenztherapie Mouseover
LED Light Therapy
LED Phototherapie Mouseover
Microneedling Mouseover
Laser Hair Removal
Haarentfernung Mouseover
Electrolysis Hair Removal
Electrolysis Mouseover
Mami Spa Mouseover
Wellness For Cancer Mouseover

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