6 Signs of skin aging

6 Signs of skin aging
...can never be fully transformed into the older self that we actually become.
The unfolding of life does more than fray our bodies - it softens our minds, dulls the edge of vanity, and widens the aperture of beauty so that we are both more ourselves and less ourselves, more aware of the transience of the world.
And yet the personalities we were - young and foolish, hungry for the wrong things, hopeful for the right things, but fueled by hope to hubris - are elemental building blocks of what we become.
Life is mostly an exercise in being something other than what we once were, while remaining fundamentally - and sometimes crazily - who we are.
Let us spoil you also on the weekend!
Would you like to be young again or not?

Of course, this is one of those silly questions that should never be asked because it's impossible.... You can't unroll the snowball that is you: There is no 'you' except your life - the one you have lived." Most of us fail to address the universal problem of the transition from youth to old age, or the dialogue between the two within a lifetime. For if we did, we might pay attention to how we maintain the health of our skin, just as we do with our financial and physical health. In terms of our skin, as with everything else - what gets measured gets done.
Measure the 6 signs of aging skin!
Skin - like most things - changes over time. What exactly happens to our skin as we age depends on external factors (sun damage, pollution, and lifestyle) and intrinsic factors (genetics and DNA) - meaning aging skin can look different on everyone. That said, there are 6 common skin problems that occur as we age: Wrinkles, thinning, sagging, dryness, pores and tone.

Our mantra - regularity is more important than intensity!
Skin - like most things - changes over time. What exactly happens to our skin as we age depends on external factors (sun damage, pollution, and lifestyle) and intrinsic factors (genetics and DNA) - meaning aging skin can look different on everyone. That said, there are 6 common skin problems that occur as we age: Wrinkles, thinning, sagging, dryness, pores and tone.

- 1. The assessment phase of the epidermis: Before your treatment, we perform a thorough dermo-cosmetic diagnosis to determine your exact Skin Instant©. This diagnosis is performed using Canfield VISIA® and Skin Instant© Lab equipment, which provides a comprehensive scientific analysis of your face.
- 2. The initialization phase: The treatment protocol begins with an individual preparation of your epidermis - the ultimate shield that protects you from the aggressions of the outside world. This includes thorough cleansing and preparation of your skin in combination with a massage.
- 3. The treatment phase: At this stage, products with the highest concentration of active ingredients are used to "recondition" the epidermis and improve its potential for self-regeneration. Remodeling Face©, a state-of-the-art bio-electrotherapy device, complements and improves the performance of the treatment.
Call us, chat with us or visit our beautiful salon to learn more about our range of services. The team of Inanna is looking forward to welcome you with a coffee from the "Berliner Kaffeerösterei" or a tea from "Sirocco", which you can best enjoy together with a chocolate from "Rausch".
Your Anna
Anna Baret Gulueva
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